Academic Excellence
Inspired By Faith
Christ, the greatest of all teachers, inspires the faculty of Saint Patrick School to develop a deeper awareness of our lives as a journey of faith. Inspired by His example, blessed by His teachings, and nurtured by His love, we continue our journey of faith in devotion to our ministry as teachers. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, and supported by our faith, we work with families to nurture faith, to inspire an awareness of the presence of God, to encourage self-esteem, to form Christian values and independence, and to respect the uniqueness of each individual.
The mission of Saint Patrick School is to provide for the safety, education, and gradual growth and development of the whole child: spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. We desire to meet the needs of the individual child within a Christ centered atmosphere centered on Gospel values. A child’s behavior and spirituality are developed by the parents who are the primary educators and models for their children’s behaviors. Our responsibility is to reaffirm and enhance Christian Values taught at home. The aim of Saint Patrick School is to provide children with a climate where faith, hope, and love are encouraged, lived, and witnessed in their lives. Saint Patrick School offers parents assistance in their parenting responsibilities by means of workshops, conferences and a family life program.
Students at Saint Patrick School will honor their academic responsibilities by being faithful to their studies on a daily basis and by trying their best to think, speak, and act like Jesus. Students will also be mindful of their Catholic/Christian heritage by being respectful of their teachers, fellow students, and everyone they come in contact with.
Created on 10/9/2014 - Last updated on 10/9/2014