Academic Excellence
Inspired By Faith
The 2024-25 school year is my tenth year as the School Counselor at St. Patrick School! My job is to support the academic, career, and personal/social development of the students. I collaborate with administration, teachers and parents to provide educational & emotional support for each of our students.
Where to find Middle School homework:
Science: Google Classroom ("unit" folder, then "homework" folder)
Scudero - Google Classroom, written on whiteboard and posted on teacher webpage
Schrader - Teacher webpage
SS: Google Classroom and posted on board during class
ELA: Teacher webpage
Religion: Google Classroom
Spanish: Google Classroom
Media: Google Classroom
Classroom Lessons
Throughout the school year, students in grades 3-8 will be presented with classroom Character Education lessons. Topics will include bullying, responsibility, tolerance, goal setting and much, much more! Our lessons are interactive, interesting and fun!
Lunch Bunch
Lunch bunches are small group sessions designed to boost self-esteem, improve social skills and increase peer relations. These groups are geared towards fostering friendships and developing positive interactions among fellow students. The group provides students with a "safe environment" where they can talk freely about their accomplishments, stress, concerns and/or ideas. These groups meet either during recess (elementary students) or during the second half of the lunch period (middle school students). Participant recommendations from parents & teachers are always welcome.
Individual & Small Group Counseling
I am here to meet with students privately or within a small group setting. My office is located across from Canning Hall, next to the faculty lounge. Students can come to me and ask for a pass to meet with me during lunch, or I may send a pass to their homeroom teacher requesting for a student to meet with me at a scheduled time.
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday : 7:45am-2:20pm
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (631) 724 - 0285
You can also reach out to our part-time Social Worker, Ms. Clyburn at [email protected]
For outside personal counseling resources, please contact Mrs. Urso directly.